Manistee Muzzle Loading Club
Range Safety Rules
Consider all guns as loaded, kept unloaded until ready to use and are safe to operate.
Always keep the muzzle or barrel of your gun pointed in a safe direction.
Always keep your finger off the trigger until you have acquired your intended target.
Wear eye and ear protection as appropriate. This includes guest and spectators.
Respect other shooters.
Shoot only paper targets on range backers in designated areas on club property.
Personal steel targets, cans, rocks, glass, buckets, or metal objects are prohibited.
Explosive targets are prohibited.
No handling of firearms (loaded or unloaded) at the benches when people are down range
or when "cease fire" is called.No smoking is allowed on the firing line. Alcohol or drugs that may cause impairment
are NOT allowed when using firearms.Obscene language or distasteful conduct will not be tolerated.
Skeet & trap shooting is prohibited and not allowed on club property.
Patterning is done on single backer board located between the 25 & 50 yd. ranges.The main ranges and pistol range are closed to members during shoot group matches, leagues,
classes and during club-sponsored shooting events. Dates are posted on the club’s calendar.Approved events may allow scenarios that are not permitted for general range use.
No junior members or unsupervised minors are allowed on club property without an accompanied
legal guardian or authorized adult mentor.No tree stands or hunting blinds are allowed on club property.
Black powder shooting:
- Your gun should be pointed at a target down range or up in the air at all times.
- Loading must be done at the loading area.
- Loading directly from a horn or flask is prohibited.
- No open powder cans on firing line.
- Do not snap caps, load or prime your gun until at range bench & firing line is safe.
Please keep club property & ranges clean by using trash bins
& brass casing receptacles when possible.