Manistee Muzzle Loading Club
1953 - Founded by Bob Adams and Dick Lijewski while playing a game of pool at Dick's house.
1959 - Club renovated a building on east end of River Street for first club house.
1960 - Club purchased 39 acres of land south of Manistee on Camp Road.
1961-1964 - Club members constructed pavilion at present range.
1963 - First members elected to the Northwest Council around a campfire. The Northwest Council is a council of elders of the muzzle loading shooting fraternity chosen by their peers for the work a member has done to promote the sport of muzzle loading. The Northwest Council meets once a year at Old Fort Rendezvous to vote on one new candidate. There are presently 51 members.1958-1961 Club sponsored Manistee Forest Festival.
1958 - Members built a set of Overpack wheels from a few iron and wood parts found at the Wellston Guard Station. These wheels were used in the Forest Festival Parade for two years and presented to the Manistee County Historical Museum. Due to lack of funds and care, the wheels fell into disrepair and rotted.
1964 - 1987 Our club struggled to survive with only 40 to 60 members on the roll.
1987 - Club started to promote the sport, and new members joined.
1990 - Built a new shooting range. Hosted the Michigan State Muzzle Loading Matches for '91, '92 & '93.
1991 - New range tower built and sections of firing line covered.
1992 - New roof on pavilion building.
1993 - Trading Post building erected.
1994 - Storage building to house future restrooms built.
1995 - Another set of Overpack wheels built and donated to Manistee County Historical Museum.
1996 - Target shack built behind the 25 yard berm.
1997 - Morton Salt Company donated a large packing crate the size of a building 8' x 14' and club members created a target shack for the 100 yard range to store CMP materials.
1998 - Members spread 80 bales of straw and hay on range to encourage grass growth.
1999 - Campground is enlarged and trees removed to accommodate large trailers and campers.
2000 - Head Instructor, John Rozga, implemented Concealed Pistol License course activity. 200 persons qualified for the CPL (Concealed Pistol License).
2001 - More Concealed Pistol Courses and Hunter Safety Courses. Approximate 200 CPL and Hunter Safety graduates.
2002 - State of Michigan donated two outdoor toilets and moved them from High Bridge Campground. Three year hosting of Michigan State Muzzle Championship matches.
2003 - Toilet facilities completed.
2004 - New members and continuation of CPL and Hunter Safety Courses.
2005 - Website established.
2007 - Target shack floor cemented and shelving built for storage. 8'x10' storage shed placed on 25 yd. side range by Ladies Pistol League
2008 - 100 yd. backstops and errosion repaired. Covered firing points rebuilt with plexiglass ends on 25, 50 and 100 yard ranges.
2009 - Range celebrated 50 years at Jubilee Shoot. Cross-section of lumber schooner built by members for Manistee City beach park. Northwest Council cabin built to replace old structure.2010 - Range buildings coated with sealant.
2011 - "Good Luck Chuck" entrance sign repainted. New entrance-way shelter and door added to Club House.
2013 - Range pavilion completely enclosed with overhead doors.
2014 - Handicap ramp constructed on south side of pavilion.
2015 - "Project Appleseed" came to our range to provide Revolutionary War history and marksmanship training.
2016 - Ongoing repair on pavilion and 100-yd storage shed
2019 - Celebrated 60th annual "Shoot Time at Old Fort Rendezvous" - June 28-29
2020 - 61st annual June Shoot cancelled due to pandemic. Major repairs done on pavilion chimney
2022 - 62nd annual June Sloot - Pavilion kitchen opened with evening fun & games.
New 200 yard range constructed with proceeds from tree harvest - opened in fall.
2023 - New Ladies Pistol League target shed on side range.