Manistee Muzzle Loading Club
Muzzleloading Matches
The Muzzleloading Group shoots on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month beginning in April and continue till mid-September. The group shoots begin at 12:00 noon on the 25 yard range by the range tower. Many of us arrive a little early for some practice. We shoot muzzleloading rifles with patched round balls. Muzzleloading pistols can also be shot if anyone is interested. We charge $5.00 per individual per shoot to cover targets and expenses.
Our competition consists of:
5 shots on the 25 yard targets from the standing position
5 shots on the 50 yard targets with the cross sticks
5 shots on the 50 yard targets from the standing position, and
5 shots on the 100 yard targets with the cross sticks.
We require eye and ear protection and must follow the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association's Rules and Regulations.