Manistee Muzzle Loading Club
High Power Rifle Match

This group ​is based on the International Bench Rest Association hunting rifle discipline.  ​Meets are held on the club's 100 & 200 yd. ranges.  The targets consist of 6 bullseyes​ - 1 ​for sight-in and 5 for score​.  The 200​ yd. target ​i​s ​slightly larger.  All safe​, center fire hunting rifles can be used, ​with optical sights or open sight.  Shooting will be done from a bench with shooting bags (please bring your own).​  The group will meet the 1st Wednesday of each month, Apr. through Sept., at 6:​00pm. ​ Cost will be $4.00 a match to defray target expense.  


​This group is to be a learning/teaching experience, first and foremost.  The more advanced shooters in the club have much knowledge/experience to pass on to others​.  This is a great opportunity to improve one's shooting skills.