Manistee Muzzle Loading Club
Safety Rules
No smoking or alcohol on the firing line.
Loading directly from a horn or flask is prohibited. No open powder cans on firing line. Loading must be done at the loading area.
Do not snap caps, load or prime your gun until the firing line has been declared hot.
Your gun should be pointed in the air or down range at all times.
Immediately notify the range officer in any case when your gun malfunctions or fails to fire. Await his or her instructions and take your gun to the designated place to repair or dislodge dislodge your dry-ball. (Our club has a co.2 dry-ball puller).
All range commands must be obeyed and the decision of the range officer is final.
Spectators must stay behind safety barriers before and during all shooting times.
All guns must be stacked with the muzzle up between matches (no loading) and while targets are being hung.